Blog, Reviews

Brick or Treat – Legoland

A bit late, but here’s my blog on Brick or Treat at Legoland Windsor!

This was only our second visit to Legoland, as we’d visited earlier in the year and initially we weren’t that impressed overall. However after another visit, my opinion of Legoland has vastly changed for the better, and I feel I was a bit harsh to judge so badly so soon. I will have to get around to writing that blog during the closed season.

So, Halloween has also descended upon Legoland and it sees the park covered in pumpkins. They were everywhere, and though nice to see, I hope they did something with some of them after Halloween had finished!

Just one of the many Lego scenes now adorned with pumpkins!

There were also plenty of Lego models themed to Halloween dotted about the park (most of which I failed to photograph, once again). As for our day overall, we thoroughly enjoyed it. The park wasn’t overly busy, and it meant we got on a lot of the rides with very little queuing, which was excellent.

In all, we managed 17 rides through our day, and I wish the park had stayed open a little longer for a few more! This time around, we did get into Duplo Valley to try out some of the kids rides, and had a blast doing so! There are some really good kids rides here, such as Duplo Airport, and Duplo Dino Coaster, although the audio for the coaster can get a little annoying!


We also managed to find Fairy Tale Brook, which for some reason I thought was a walkthrough attraction. This ride sees you on little boats that float along a water channel, showing you various fairy tale scenes and though it could do with a little cleaning here and there, was a really nice water ride, and it took photos too, so that’s a bonus!

For this visit, we managed to get into Farmer Joe’s Chicken Company for dinner, and were surprised to find themed food for Halloween, which was a nice bonus! With annual pass discount, the food wasn’t too expensive and the ordering screens make the process simple too. Tasty chicken burgers all round.

Purely cosmetic, so still the same great tasting food, just with different colours!

Later on in the day we got to have a go on Hydras Challenge, a Zierer Jet Ski ride. This was great fun! Not only do you have control over the vehicle allowing you to swing in and out for a faster or slower ride, but onlookers can also activate buttons the cause water to explode around you, showering you lightly. We didn’t get very wet on here at all, which was good as you take your belongings on with you while you ride. Thoroughly enjoyed this one!

Something I should also mention, and I’ll go into in further blogs, is the sheer amount of good quality dark rides, shows and indoor attractions here. Laser Raiders, Ninjago: The Ride, Lego City Deep Sea Adventure, Flight of the Sky Lion, Lego Studios 4D and Haunted House Monster Party. Even the parks signature rollercoaster, The Dragon, has a lengthy indoor section! Great for the British weather!

Inside the preshow to Haunted House Monster Party!

Dotted around the park are various trick or treat crypts that have a host who will talk to you, question and test you, before giving you a bag of goodies, we got a small Lego set, some pop badges and sets of vampire teeth, as well as Brick or Treat paper bags too. Worth seeing them all to see what you get from them!

I’ll go into the attractions more in depth in my next Legoland blog, but to wrap this blog up and summarize our day at Legoland Brick or Treat, we both thoroughly enjoyed it. I can imagine it being quite busy on a weekend, as we went on a Monday out of school holidays, but there were still plenty of folk about, but not so many that queues were ridiculous! Well worth the change of plan, as we were going to do Chessington for a second day, but decided against it last minute!

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