Blog, Reviews

Let’s talk Vekoma Madhouses

As mentioned in a previous blog, I’d like to break down the various Vekoma Madhouse attractions that the UK has, compare and contrast their ride mechanics and themes and finally rank them. It won’t be that hard though as there are only 3 currently in the UK.

Firstly I haven’t ridden Impossible at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, and its not manufactured by Vekoma so I won’t be including this attraction here!

Like so many others, the first Madhouse I rode was Hex – The Legend of the Towers at Alton Towers. I went in knowing what was going to happen and spoiled it a little for myself (a feat I wouldn’t do when trying Derren Browns Ghost Train). Even though I knew how the ride worked, I was still impressed with the attraction and the feeling it gives you.

The walkthrough and show portion of Hex is brilliant, showcasing the Earl of Shrewsbury’s story and the chained oak legend. It could do with a little modernising as it does feel the oldest out of the 3 when directly compared, but it does its job perfectly well!

Next is Haunted House Monster Party at Legoland Windsor. This rides preshow is probably the weakest of the 3 attractions as it is just a video that plays in a large room with lights and sounds. It’s still good but not quite as good as The Haunting or Hex’s preshow.

The actual Madhouse portion itself is top notch. The room and seats sync up very well giving you that weird sensation of movement without it looking like you’re moving and the whole story of this being a party trick is very silly and bombastic and fun! Definitely memorable!

Finally there’s The Haunting at Drayton Manor. This ride features a well themed show building like the other two, and similar to Hex has different rooms leading up to the Madhouse.

The Haunting has probably the best preshow section of the 3, and features 3 rooms with screens and projections, as well as jump scares and motion to boot. However it is let down incredibly by its ride section. I’ve ridden it a couple of times and noticed the walls and seats aren’t quite in sync and the effects are nice, but lacking too. On our last visit the final section of the crypt opening didn’t actually do anything which is a shame as the preshow is so good!

It’s also worth noting that The Haunting is a smaller scale attraction than the other two, and though I can’t find figures, I would guess that The Haunting has roughly half the capacity of the other two, which can both manage 70+ guests each.

I think Hex is my favourite of the 3 as it’s consistent in its approach. The preshow is excellent and so is the ride element. I like the story behind it too and it uses the Towers really well.

Next I’d put Haunted House Monster Party as its ride element is really good fun, possibly the most fun of all 3, but its preshow does let it down a bit. The show building looks great too!

Finally there’s The Haunting. The ride section really does let The Haunting down massively and if it were given an overhaul and made into a larger capacity attraction with improved effects in the crypt, it would probably take the top spot!

I don’t know whether I’d put Vekoma Madhouses or Huss Top Spin rides at the top of my non rollercoaster attractions list, but the UKs Madhouses certainly make it a difficult decision! It doesn’t really help that we have no more Top Spins left in the UK, which is a shame! Maybe Talocan will make it easier to decide?

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