Blog, Reviews

Oakwood – The first washout

Our first big park would have been Oakwood theme park in Pembrokeshire, but the weather took a turn for the worse and though we had a couple of rides there, we ended up leaving as it was just too wet to enjoy anything.

We did still manage a ride on Treetops, Speed and Megaphobia, with Speed being the standout here but marred by the weather unfortunately.

Megaphobia should have been one to watch as it runs faster in the rain but we both found it to be quite uncomfortable nearer the back of the train. Such a disappointment as I’d looked forward to getting back to Oakwood and reriding the parks 2 big coasters as well as Bounce.

Speed was still good, a little jerky in places but nothing terrible. It gave me a great pop of ejector airtime over the first hill and ran the rest of it’s layout without much drama. I really want to give this attraction a few more rides as I really do think it’s better than Saw, but I’ve not ridden it enough to make that distinction yet!

The other ride we managed was the parks junior coaster, Treetops. The ride ops were brilliant and tried their best to cheer everyone up but there’s only so much you can do with a half empty train of drowned park goers! Shout-out here to the lady who was in the Treetops photo booth for being the very first person to ever recognise me by my blog name! Thank you very much once again!

We will get back to Oakwood in future as the park still has loads to offer, but it won’t be until next year now with it being such a long way from home though!

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