
Top Thill Dragster retires

Yesterday Cedar Point broke the news that Top Thrill Dragster will cease to exist as an experience as we know it. I read this as the attraction is going to be getting some major work or overhauled in some way, not that the ride is being removed entirely!

The reason I’m talking about a ride that I’ve never actually been in the same continent as, let alone ridden it, is because it was one of my bucket list coasters. One the big foreign rides that I wanted to ride more than any, along with Velocicoaster and Intimidator 305 to name a few.

I hope they do end up keeping the ride and modernising the hydraulic launch system and trains as, for me at least, it’s very comparable to Stealth here in the UK. Though Top Thrill is more than double the hight of Stealth, the rides operate very similarly. Though Stealth can accelerate a bit faster to its admittedly lower top speed.

Top Thrill Dragsters too hat element – Wikimedia

I know that nothing lasts forever and I’m not sure what the general consensus is with Top Thrill Dragster with it having legacy status or not. Nemesis for example is widely loved by enthusiasts the world over and certainly deserves the chance to be retracked and to live on. Does Top Thrill Dragster hold the same standing in the community, and also the eyes of the public too?

To finish up, I’d like to say that I’m very saddened that I won’t be able to experience Top Thrill Dragster as it currently resides, but I look forward to hearing what Cedar Point will do with this attraction and hope for good news!

Featured image taken from Wikipedia

2 thoughts on “Top Thill Dragster retires”

    1. Kinda Ka is in the list! I’ve heard a lot of people preferred Too Thrill Dragster though, but since I’ve not experienced either, both would be good to try either way!


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