Blog, Reviews

Fright Nights – Thorpe Park

Having tried Scarefest for the first time at Alton Towers in 2020, we made an effort to see what Thorpe Park, Chessington and Legolands events were like, starting with Thorpe Park.

We once again stopped at the Ramada at Cobham services for four nights, meaning we could initially do two days at Thorpe Park, two at Chessington and then Alton Towers on the way back, however we changed plans after we’d visited Chessington, more on that in another blog!

We arrived at Thorpe Park for our first day on Friday, expecting a really busy day but to our surprise, it was arguably the quietest day we’d ever had there. That’s not to say it was dead by any means, there were still plenty of folk about, but queues were topping out at 40 minutes or so meaning we got on plenty of rides!

Our plan was to ride rides on the Friday and do more of the Fright Night events in the Saturday when riding would mean longer queues. This was the right way to do it when we saw the queues on Saturday morning!

Anyway back to Friday and initially we were going to head straight to Saw: The ride and get the longer queue out of the way first, but due to technical difficulties it wasn’t ready for us when we got there.

Instead I rode Samurai alone as Tracy didn’t like the look of it. I enjoyed the ride and it does looks a lot more intense than it actually is. It was pleasant, gives enough force to make it interesting, but not so much that you feel ill or don’t enjoy the experience. The music while queuing is also so calming and beautiful, and during the ride it’s more aggressive and upbeat, really well done here!

Colossus isn’t as bad as I thought!

Next we queued for Colossus, and we waited about 30 minutes or so, partially because we waited for a front row (something I didn’t know was offered). This was my second ride on this Intamin 10 inversion machine, and it exceeded what I remembered from my first ride!

I didn’t really rate it that well after my first ride on it as I felt it was a bit dull and the heartline rolls are unnecessary at the end. I still feel that the heartline rolls are unnecessary but this time we both agreed it rode well, wasn’t rough at all and was generally quite enjoyable! Even though it was Tracys first ride, she said she’d do it again, so plus points here.

Once we’d finished on Colossus, we had a go on Saw, which was now up and running. Another first ride for Tracy and we didn’t wait too long before we were in the station building taking in all the scenery. Unfortunately we ended up on the first train which meant Tracy missed the little interaction with Billy the Puppet at the start of the ride, but a second ride later on rectified this!

Saw ran well, it still has its rough parts here and there, though Tracy did say she didn’t feel any roughness or headbanging at all, so maybe that’s the height difference between us causing me issues?

Black Mirror Labyrinth

This time around we’d managed to get timed tickets for Black Mirror Labyrinth as we’d missed out on them in our earlier visit. The attraction was decent, certainly better than Ghost Train, but not something that I’d be wanting to queue much for to reride. I knew nothing of the TV series before visiting the attraction, similarly with Saw and The Walking Dead, but only Saw has made me actually want to watch the shows the rides were based on!

Next we headed off up towards Quantum and the other flat rides here. We only ended up riding Quantum but took a breather and a few photos before we went off to Swarm Island.

By the time we’d gotten to Swarm Island, the Fright Night events were starting to take place, as actors start to pop up at various places in the park. For The Swarm, there’s The Swarm: Invasion, which sees a group of tin foil hat survivors causing mayhem about the place, and a couple of Swarm infected military personal keeping things creepy.

The ride itself rode well once again, we managed a front row, which Tracy was excited for until she realised how long you end up hanging at the top of the hill! Back rows for her from now on I should think!

We then stopped for a little dinner break at Burger King over by Nemesis Inferno. One thing that would be nice to see is Merlin and their franchises in their parks acknowledging those who have refillable drinks, and offer meals without a drink so you don’t feel like you’re paying for something you don’t want, just so you can get a burger and chips cheaper as a meal than individually. Little niggle but I thought I’d mention it since we regularly have refillable soft drinks in the Merlin run parks.

A little note actually on the refillable drinks. Firstly, Tracy’s cup had managed to get a crack in the bottom and they exchanged it without any quarrel at all which pleased her as she got a Fright Nights cup as she’d wanted one. Secondly, the machines seem to stock a special drink, or choice of drinks for Fright Nights. We found this to be the case at Brick or Treat at Legoland too. I didn’t notice whether Alton Towers does this though. The option is in the bottom right of the touch screen and both had different flavoured offerings!

Our next visit was Stealth, again for a first (and probably last) ride for Tracy! I have a high opinion of Stealth, I love the ride, its trains and how it operates, however, Tracy does not. She loved the launch but the top hat was a bit too much for her!

Stealth also has actors around the ride area as part of Amity High Vs LycanThorpe: Love Bites. This was brilliant! Such a good atmosphere all the time here, and actors that not only look great, but interact with you and were chasing people around and scaring folk all the time. I could have sat here all day and just watched what was going on, but other rides beckoned!

Once we’d moved on from Stealth, we had a go on Nemesis Inferno, The Walking Dead: The Ride, Flying Fish, The Dodgems and Timber Tug Boat. The second day we only rode Storm Surge, Rush, Derren Brown’s Ghost Train and Mr Monkey’s Banana Ride.

Ghost Train is awful

I think now is a better time than ever to talk about Derren Brown’s Ghost Train. We’ve ridden it twice and had pretty much the same experience both times. The VR is clunky and weird to put on, and I’m no stranger to VR having played PS VR and Oculus games at home.

The story line itself is quite a good one, but under utilised and just feels a bit cheap in places. The ride mechanism is good, and the set pieces are well designed too. I like how it really does feel like you’re on an underground train and the VR and physical elements do work something like well together, such as windows breaking and feeling the wind rushing in.

That being said, the experience on the whole is dire in my opinion. It should be so much more than it is and I think a lot of the issues could be sorted by removing the VR elements of the ride and having the video play out on the windows of the train. It would remove the isolated feeling that VR brings, but I think it would be offset by the experience running smoother on the whole.

To me, it’s a good set piece, with a bad VR section, a walk around a cheaply built underground section, followed by another even worse VR section, and finally a surprise element, which is arguably the best bit!

Such a shame as the ride could be so much more, and in its current state, I would advise riding it once, and then leaving it a few years like we have. Go on Ghost Train at Pleasure Beach for a better experience!

Night Rides

Our first night ride was on The Swarm, and though it rode the same as it does during the day, the darkness did add a little the experience! The surrounding area also came alive at night too! Shame the fire effects haven’t worked in a long time, as night rides would be excellent if they were to work!

Next was Stealth, which a night ride offered great views of the park all lit up, and the atmosphere around the ride ramped up to 11, otherwise it felt the same as a day ride for me!

We then headed off to Nemesis Inferno, which was excellent at night! We waited for a front row and both really enjoyed it! It would have been better if it hadn’t got quite as many lights about so it was darker but it was still a great night ride!

The real star for night rides here was Saw: The ride however! As mentioned earlier, we were on the second train, were taunted by Billy the Puppet and had a great ride in the dark! Once you head off into the trees it’s very dark and a few of the drops you can barely see, especially on back row which really helped it be my favorite night ride here!

Scare Mazes and Scare Zones

As I said earlier, our second day we didn’t ride that much and instead focused on the Scare Mazes, shows and zones about the park.

Legacy – A Fire and Light Display was a great free show that goes through the 20 year history of Fright Nights, something that will mean a lot to regular Fright Nights attendees!

The Crows of Mawkin Meadow is a walkthrough attraction with live actors posting as scarecrows that really do a great job of scaring you as you walk through their attraction. This was a great little zone, and even more so considering its included in the price of admission!

Following on from Mawkin Meadow, the Crows regularly walk about the park, scaring park goers when they least expect it and they looked excellent!

The first proper Scare Maze we did this year was Platform 15: End of the Line. It started with a hefty queue but soon moved on as you were kept in a dark tunnel waiting to enter. Your photo is taken, which is an extra charge unfortunately, before you start and then you are led into the attraction itself.

The story told is that of a train that derails, its passengers perish and are lost, frozen in time. You follow the route of the Sleeper Express and find the remains of the train and its passengers. The maze features the actual train that used to run around Thorpe Park in years gone by, and you can also see parts of Logger’s Leap too!

I enjoyed Platform 15, it wasn’t too scary, more creepy in my opinion, but was pleasant, and well executed and well worth the price of entry and the time to walk through it! Shame that the photo wasn’t included in the price though.

The other Scare Maze we tried was Creek Freak Massacre. Set inside the old station building for Logger Leap, this maze shows you a family of hillbilly lumberjacks that have turned from chopping wood to chopping unsuspecting human victims! It features smoke, loud sounds and live actors wielding chainsaws who aren’t afraid to swing them towards you! It’s perfectly safe of course and they won’t hit you, nore are the blades running, but it still made me jump out of the way!

In my opinion, this one felt a lot more intense than Platform 15 and on par with last years Altonville Mines, from 2020s Scarefest at Alton Towers. Great theming and a genuinely foreboding atmosphere, and though filled with jump scares for the most part, it was a great time!

I think I preferred Platform 15 though, it felt more traditional Halloween, still scare in places, but more atmospheric and creepy!

So this was a long blog! We had two days filled with plenty of rides, scares and fun, genuinely enjoyed Fright Nights for their 20th anniversary. Though I do feel Alton Towers 2020 Scarefest was a bit better, I’d like to come back next year and see what returns, and what’s new for 2022!


Cobham & Thorpe Park – Stop 7

After our final night in Southampton Holiday inn, we once again packed the car up and left for our next stop, Thorpe Park!

We’ve visited Thorpe Park twice before and both times we’ve enjoyed it but felt that it wasn’t as good as it should have been, so this time we gave ourselves plenty of time to take it all in.

Our first visit was to Swarm. This B&M wing coaster is well themed and rides extremely well. This was only my second time riding it and Tracy’s first, and though she was terrified initially she said she’d ride it again. It does look very intimidating with the initial dive drop and elements, but much like Galactica, it’s more of a gentle giant than it looks.

The Swarm’s dive drop

After The Swarm, we went to Flying Fish, for our first ride on this junior coaster. It’s an average ride, let down a little by the landscaping and untidy ride area, but worth a ride for the credit!

Next up was The Walking Dead: The Ride, an indoor roller coaster that was closed due to the pandemic during our last visit so we missed out on it, but we have ridden it before. I like the theming and design, and I find the roller coaster itself to be quite enjoyable, especially the second lift hill scene. I’ve not heard many good reviews of the ride, and I don’t really think it needed to have an IP attached but both of us enjoy it.

On ride photos!

After The Walking Dead, we headed to Quantum, a magic carpet style ride, near the front of the park. We queued for what felt like ages as operations were very slow, the ride operators seemed to lack training to get people on and off safely and quickly. Multiple times we saw riders loaded on and then the bars released and people moved around. We felt it wasn’t worth the queue, especially when we could have been in queue for one of the roller coasters just as long.

Following Quantum, we had a bit of a wander around, taking in the atmosphere of the park, which was quite busy. We headed over towards the Black Mirror Labyrinth, this years new attraction. We failed to realise that both this and Derren Brown’s Ghost train were timed ticketed attractions, and by the time we found out, all tickets were gone, which was a bit disappointing but not the end of the world. We rode Ghost Train in 2019 and were extremely underwhelmed by the experience.

We then queued for Stealth, the parks tallest and fastest roller coaster and a favorite of mine. The queue was slow as Stealth’s queue always is, and Tracy decided not to ride this time, but has said she’ll have a go on our next visit! As for my ride, I loved it. It was only my second time riding, and the launch is still the best the UK has to offer, and short of visiting Japan for Do-Dodonpa, I doubt it’ll get much more intense than this! The top hat offers great views of the park, as you’d expect being 205ft up, and though its a short ride, its worth the wait.

Stealth about to crest the 205ft top hat.

To cool off, we had a go on Storm in a Teacup, and then the Dodgems, and then had a ride on the Rumba Rapids before stopping for something to eat at Burger King.

By this time, it was getting later in the day so we queued up for Nemesis Inferno as our last ride of the day. Inferno is an excellent ride, and though I personally prefer the original Nemesis, Inferno is still worth the queue. Its jungle themeing and volcano are all great and when we rode, the tunnels mist effect was working which cools you off!

Once we’d finished up in the shops and collected all our photos from the Dome, we went to try and find the car. No word of a lie, this is the first time I’ve ever parked a car and lost it in the car park! We did eventually find it of course, so I sent the drone up for some aerial shots and then we drove off to Cobham services for our overnight stop at the Ramada.

Tidal Wave’s splash is easily visible!

To summarize our visit to Thorpe Park, we had a great day overall. The best visit we’ve had so far, even though Quantum was a bit of a letdown. We did also have refillable drinks courtesy of the Coca-cola freestyle system they have here which wasn’t running at its best, but we were advised when we bought our cups that they had supply issues.

Next stop Chessington World of Adventures…