Blog, Reviews

Alton Towers – Festival of Thrills – The Smiler Takeover 2023

This is Alton Tower’s first event this year and the second time we’ve had the Festival of Thrills. In this blog, I’ll compare it to last years event, see what worked and what didn’t and give my verdict.

As it’s The Smilers 10th anniversary this year, Alton Towers have branded this years Festival of Thrills as The Smiler Takeover. This means the Ministry of Joy, a fictional group who are behind the construction and running of The Smiler, are out and about and have invaded certain parts of the park. The interactions we had with the staff were great and they really did keep in character, coming across as reassuring and blatantly fake, in line with The Smilers story. They were very well acted!

As for the park itself, there were several displays dotted about each of the big roller coasters were the ministry were conducting tests to find new and interesting ways to being back peoples smile, such as terrifying them on Th13teen, or measuring excitement levels on Rita. You couldn’t interact with the scenes as they were static, and it would have been nice to see some lights or sounds on at least one of the displays! There was also a stamp collecting element, where each ride had a stamper that is used to emboss a card you pickup at any of the stations or at the park entrance. Once you’ve got all 6 (from the 6 big coasters) you can post yourself on social media with it for a chance to win an overnight stay in the resort hotel.

Over in X-Sector is where the bulk of the event was taking place. There were 3 shows to watch, Meet the Ministry, The Ministry fear Test and a karaoke show. We didn’t see the Meet the Ministry show as we were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but we did see the Fear Test and Karaoke shows. The Fear Test was pretty decent as it put a chosen subject through a series of daft tests designed to raise their fear levels and earn them a one way trip to The Smiler. The actors were entertaining and kept in character very well. I really liked the fact that once the tests were done, the test subject received The Smiler fast track tickets which was great to see!

As for the karaoke show, it was very cheesy and maybe a little bit lacking on quality. It wasn’t so bad it’s good, or so bad it’s terrible, just somewhere in between in my opinion! some of the songs being sung were linked in subtle ways to the event though so that was something.

Outside of the event, we got our first ride on Twistatron, the parks newest Retro Squad ride. This is a self built trabant/wipeout style ride but the seats face out from the centre. The ride took ages to load and unload and when we got on, it was actually quite good fun until it got properly going as the seats and restrains mean that the ride simple feels like its trying to throw you out. Usually this is a good fun element to rides but here, it just felt uncomfortable. Thankfully Alton Towers don’t run these rides at full speed for long so it was still enjoyable. On the fair circuit however? I wouldn’t want to ride knowing it would run faster and for longer.

Spinball Whizzer was finally up and running (which was actually it’s first day this season). It’s had a bit of an overhaul so I’ve read, and if so, then it is noticeable! The first thing we noticed were the restraints are now very tightly locked in place. This wasn’t so much an issue for me, but it was for Tracy. She ended up having to take her coat off and ride the ride cross legged in order for the restraint to close far enough. I think this is a bit overkill as we’ve never had anything like that issue before on Spinball or Dragons Fury at Chessington. I hope they relax this just a tad as Tracy said it’ll be a ride she won’t rush to go on in future because of this.

It’s not all doom and gloom though as a positive change seems to be that the break runs now longer jolt the car as they pass through. When we rode it, we sailed through all the break runs and it made for a much better experience! The final break run is still quite abrupt, but you can prepare yourself for that one much easier.

Other than those two rides, there wasn’t that much to talk about. The Smiler was running great and queues were quick, Th13teen was the same and The Curse at Alton Manor ran nice and smoothly today too.

Overall it was a good day, but the event was definitely lacking somewhat. I’ve seen a lot of criticisms about the event online and some are daft, while others I agree with! I feel that they didn’t quite take the takeover far enough and it felt a bit like the scenery around other rides was an after thought, though the park wide audio was great. Another criticism is the lack of event specific merchandise, or at the very least, something to commemorate The Smilers birthday! I’d have loved a pin badge or t-shirt to take home but unfortunately, there wasn’t anything for us!

How does it compare to last year? Well I certainly thing last years was better myself. The music used for The Smilers stage last year fit much better, and the Festival of Thrills was overall a bit better quality than this years offering. It’s a shame as I was quite looking forward to it, what with it being The Smiler themed and The Smiler being my top coaster (currently). I hope we see something come out through the season to commemorate this great attraction.

Overall, we still had a great time but it just could have been a little better here and there!

Blog, Reviews

Alton Towers Festival of Thrills!

New for 2022 is Festival of Thrills, where Alton Towers pays homage to their big 7 roller coasters by inviting acts to perform on stages around the resort.

Stages were setup in X-Sector, Dark Forest, Mutiny Bay and Forbidden Valley, and hosted a varied range of talent, from 80s rock, to acoustic folk music.

The big 7 all got an act dedicated to them, with Wickerman getting 2 different acts to itself. Oblivion, Smiler, Nemesis, Rita, Th13teen and even Galactica got their own act with a style that fit the ride theme. For example, Rita got 80s rock anthems played by GLOW, Wickerman got Folk music played by Mia and The Moon as well as The Rituals and Nemesis was represented by LUNAFALL who played punk rock tracks.

We didn’t manage to hear the acts in Forbidden Valley unfortunately as we were in the wrong place at the wrong time for that, but we did hear The Rituals, a bit of Mia and the Moon, GLOW, Gothic Strings (who represented Th13teen), Hyperhaus (The Smiler) and DJ Sidor (Oblivion).

Out of all the acts, GLOW were my favourite. They were really into it, they played some great tracks and kept referencing Rita between tracks too. Next would have to be Hyperhaus as they were putting on a stellar performance too, and my third would go to Gothic Strings. I love Symphonic tracks, especially when it’s modernised and given flair.

I didn’t really think much to either of Wickerman’s acts. They could play their instruments well, but The Rituals didn’t sound very folk at all, and Mia and the Moon didn’t fit the theme too well either, at least in my opinion!

Wickerman did have one of the better non musical performances with a lad doing tricks with fire though. He was entertaining and knew what he was doing and a pleasure to watch too!

I didn’t see any other stage get this kind of treatment, though each stage also had actors backing up the bands by getting the crowds involved. Rita gets a special mention here as their Roller Derby was fun to watch, as well as the Smilers insane party goers.

Outside the Festival we had a ride on most of the big 7, but missed out on The Smiler and Oblivion due to high winds on the day. To keep it brief, Wickerman was riding very well this time around. It’s starting to feel more and more like a proper wooden coaster should, untamed and savage.

Nemesis gave a great ride too and so did Galactica which was back up to both stations being used once again. The Galactica area still looks very forgotten but the ride does seem to be getting back to full operational level again though!

Both Rita and Th13teen gave pleasant rides, though Rita was suffering a lot of mechanical failures, and we ended up waiting about 30 minutes on the platform for our ride. No such issues with Th13teen, the trim brakes on the first drop seemed a bit more enthusiastic than previous rides though!

We also had our first ride on Spinjam, the parks newest addition to the Retro squad, and so far, the most intense. The ride is a Tivoli Extreme model, and it certainly lives up to its namesake!

Alton Towers do seem to keep these Retro Squad rides running a little slower than they would otherwise be running on the fair circuit, but it suits me down to a T! They give you enough of a taste of how intense they can be without going to far and making you feel ill, at least, thats my take!

Overall, Festival of Thrills was an excellent new addition to the parks calendar and I do hope it returns next year with more acts and maybe later opening hours?!