Blog, Reviews

Thorpe Park Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras is something of a new thing in the UK. In writing this blog I’ve found out that the UK equivalent is Pancake Day which I can’t see Merlin Entertainments hosting in their parks, so Mardi Gras it is!

This is our first visit to Thorpe Park this year (of many to come) and though we could have picked Alton Towers, we decided on Thorpe Park for their Mardi Gras event, and to get on some rides for the first time too.

We went over two days, intending to ride the rides on one of the queiter first day and put more of a focus on seeing the Mardi Gras events on the busier second day when ride queues would be longer.

Day 1

Our first day we arrived nice and early, got through security, purchased the digipass and recharged our refillable drinks then headed to Stealth. Second train of the day, pretty much a walk on and the ride delivered! I haven’t been on Stealth in about 7 months so it was great to get back to my second favourite coaster! Part of me was hoping it would be able to pull out all the stops and dethrone The Smiler as top dog, but alas, Stealth remains second!

Next we had a go on Detonator, a first time ride and another walk on. Now this ride impressed me quite a bit. Even though it’s only 115ft tall and is essentially a drop and done, it’s more than the sum of its parts. If it were simply a drop and nothing else then it probably wouldn’t have been quite as much fun, but we were at the top of the tower for a good 60 seconds waiting to drop.

The ride operator controls when you drop so you could be there any length of time. I’ve seen the ride drop immediately as it gets to the top, or be held there like we were and its just a nice fun bit of interaction for me!

After Detonator, we went to Nemesis Inferno, the parks B&M invert. Though I talked at length about how I prefer Nemesis over Nemesis Inferno, this has got to have been the single best ride I’ve had on an invert. It’s pacing was excellent, intense and very smooth too.

The ride operator was also going off the rails with singing and really pleasing the crowds and adding to the fun!

Next up was Walking Dead, besides not having any live actors today, there wasn’t much to say about it. Fun, little indoor attraction, well themed and a laugh.

After Walking Dead, we went over to Saw and queued for about 20 minutes for the best themed Eurofighter in the country.

As with Nemesis Inferno, Saw was running really well too. I’d go as far as to say it was the best ride I’ve had on Saw and and Eurofighter yet! I usually get a small amount of head banging in the transitions as it is quite a brutal ride, but not once did I get that here. I was in the back row, in the centre seat with Tracy on my left and she said she didn’t have any issues either. Very commendable!

On the inverse is Colossus however. We elected for a back row ride to see how it faired verses our previous front row at Fright Nights and it was truly awful. I’ve ridden Infusion and Hero, Grand National and Big Dipper and yet this 1 ride will stand out as the worst and most uncomfortable that I’ve ever had. I don’t know what was wrong, but we had another ride on the second day and it was bad too. Middle of the train this time though.

While writing this I’ve noticed a lot of people complaining on various social media outlets about the sheer roughness of Colossus. Maybe Merlin will retrack it and give it the attention Nemesis is getting at Alton Towers?

I’m looking forward to seeing what Flamingo land’s 10 invertion coaster is like and hopefully Colossus can be retrained to remove the over shoulder restraints to help with the head banging we had here. Such a shame as it’s its 20th anniversary and it left such a sour taste!

Once we’d finished on Colossus, we went for some dinner and to have a little break. We tried Peckish for the first time and I risked it with a Chilli dog. Needless to say I’ll certainly be having those again, not too fiery but just right!

To cool off after dinner we had a go round on Rumba Rapids and this was probably the longest we queued all day, and even then it was only about 20 minutes or so! Not much to be said really, a fun rapids ride with a good tunnel and layout, but not much more!

There’s a couple of things that could be addressed with all the UKs rapids rides. For one, you barely get wet on any of them, which is nice on the one hand but would add to it on the other. The second issue is that people don’t seem to follow the rules and because of what happened with Drayton Manor, the staff have to constantly bark orders at people to tell them to sit down and stop being a nuisance which does take you away from the ride

We then had a saunter around, taking photos and enjoying the summer air before making our way to Flying Fish for a couple of runs around. We managed a record 5 laps in one sitting as the ride op just kept it going! The most I’ve had one one of these junior coasters has been 3 on Runaway Mine train at Alton Towers so once again, another very memorable ride!

We then made our way around to The Swarm. This was another near walk on, only queuing on the bridge over to the far side seats which took no time at all. The ride was running well, plenty of thrill and the right amount of intensity on the turns!

We finished day 1 with our first ride on Tidal Wave. Due to the nature of the ride and how soaked others looked that were getting off, we saved it until last. I’ve been to Thorpe loads of times and never gotten on Tidal Wave, either the queues have been far too long, the ride hasn’t been running or its not been particularly warm for it, but today was perfect.

The ride doesn’t last all too long but its a great crowd pleaser. It has a huge splash down element and splash zone to not only soak riders but also on lookers too! There’s even a set of upcharged water cannons to further soak riders through.

Needless to say we got completely drenched on our ride and I even managed to record a decent splash with my GoPro after exiting the ride too. After that we got changed, headed out the park and to the hotel for the night.

Day 2

With day 2 being a Saturday, we decided to focus more on the Mardi Gras part of the visit and less so on the rides. We still got a few rides here and there such as Colossus (which was still rattling around) and Nemesis Inferno, but primarily we watched the shows and took in the atmosphere.

The events started around midday with ‘The Crowning of the Krewes’, a show that saw 4 party crews performing to become champions of Mardi Gras. Each act was great though some were better than others, and each had a connection to one of the rides. Stealth, Nemesis Inferno and Rumba Rapids each had an act loosely themed to them, and then there was another called Aqueous who represented water whisperers and was ‘a champion of harmony’. Not really sure what ride or attraction she was representing, if any, but she was still good!

The Crowning of the Krewes was enjoyable and after the show, each of the krewes stayed around for meet and greets and photo opportunities.

The next thing we watched was the ‘Drum Works’ community band who were very good too, though a little repetitive in my opinion! Their set lasted about 45 minutes but there was only so much they could do with drums on their own. Don’t get me wrong , it was a great showing, just a little too long for the amount of variety they offered.

While they were playing, the Mardi Gras parade rolled through which comprised of a themed vehicle carrying the Mardi Gras royals and a few members of the krewes. The parade did feel a little like it was interrupting the Drum Works band and neither stopped while the other was coming through so it did feel a little mixed up.

One of the biggest things that Mardi Gras has highlighted to me is how little room Thorpe Park has. I’ll bring it up in detail in a future blog about what I’d do if I ran Thorpe Park, but in brief, they need room for events!

The other issue was the lack of members in the parade. I could put this down to the staff shortages that the tourism sector are having, so I’ll let this one slide as it wasn’t a big issue, just something I noticed.

After we’d seen the parade and watched a few of the acts on the mini stages, we continued wandering around, had another few rides on Swarm, Rumba Rapids and Storm in a Teacup before heading to the shops and then to the hotel.

Overall I enjoyed Mardi Gras, the costumes, actors and stages were all well made and the park looked good in its colours. I don’t think it was as good as Fright Nights, but I doubt anything other than another Fright Nights/Firework event will top that! Still, it was well worth the visit and I’d like to see Alton Towers’ and Chessingtons take on the event next year!